Comopute rcode time limit
Comopute rcode time limit

1 or (3) is perceivably disseminated in Germany or made available to the public in Germany in a manner suited to disturbing the public peace and the offender is a German national or his or her livelihood is based in Germany Ī) in the cases under sections 234a and 241a if the offence is directed against a person who is a German national and that person’s domicile or habitual residence is in Germany at the time of the offence,ī) in the cases under section 235 (2) no. 1, also in conjunction with (5), if content (section 11 (3)) as designated in subsection (2) no. resistance to state authority and offences against public orderĪ) in the cases under section 111 if the incitement is perceivable in Germany and the offender is a German national or his or her livelihood is based in Germany,ī) in the cases under section 127 if the purpose of the trading platform is directed at facilitating or promoting the commission of unlawful acts in Germany and the offender is a German national or his or her livelihood is based in Germany, andĬ) in the cases under section 130 (2) no. treason and endangering external security (sections 94 to 100a) Ī) in the cases under section 109 and sections 109e to 109g andī) in the cases under sections 109a, 109d and 109h if the offender is a German national whose livelihood is based within the territorial scope of this statute ĥa. 1 if a symbol is perceivably disseminated in Germany or used in content (section 11 (3)) which is made available to the public in Germany or perceivably disseminated in Germany and the offender is a German national or his or her livelihood is based in Germany,Ĭ) in the cases under section 89, section 90a (1) and section 90b if the offender is a German national whose livelihood is based within the territorial scope of this statute andĭ) in the cases under section 90 and section 90a (2) Ĥ. endangering the democratic state under the rule of lawĪ) in the cases under section 86 (1) and (2) if propaganda material is perceivably disseminated in Germany or made available to the public in Germany and the offender is a German national or his or her livelihood is based in Germany,ī) in the cases under section 86a (1) no. Regardless of which law is applicable at the place where the offence was committed, German criminal law applies to the following offences committed abroad:ģ. Offences committed abroad with specific domestic connection Regardless of which law is applicable at the place where the offence was committed, German criminal law applies to offences committed on a ship or an aircraft which is entitled to fly the federal flag or to carry the national insignia of the Federal Republic of Germany. German criminal law applies to offences committed on German territory.Īpplication to offences committed on German ships and aircraft (6) Unless otherwise provided by law, decisions as to measures of reform and prevention are to be taken according to the law which is in force at the time of decision.Īpplication to offences committed on German territory (5) Subsections (1) to (4) apply accordingly to the confiscation and rendering unusable of objects. This does not apply to the extent that a law provides otherwise. (4) A law which was intended to be in force only for a determinate time is, as a rule, still to be applied to acts committed whilst it was in force even after it ceases to be in force. (3) If the law in force at the time of the completion of the act is amended before judgment, the most lenient law is to be applied. (2) If the threatened penalty is amended during the commission of the act, the law which is in force at the time the act is completed is to be applied. (1) The penalty and any incidental legal consequences are determined by the law which is in force at the time of the act.

comopute rcode time limit comopute rcode time limit

4906)Īn act can only incur a penalty if criminal liability was established by law before the act was committed. 3322), as last amended by Article 2 of the Act of 22 November 2021 (Federal Law Gazette I, p.

#Comopute rcode time limit code

Zur Nutzung dieser Übersetzung lesen Sie bitte den Hinweis unter "Translations".įor conditions governing use of this translation, please see the information provided under "Translations".įull citation: Criminal Code in the version published on 13 November 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. Version information: The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 2 of the Act of 22 November 2021 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. Stand: Die Übersetzung berücksichtigt die Änderung(en) des Gesetzes durch Artikel 2 des Gesetzes vom 22. Translation completely revised and regularly updated by Ute Reusch Vollständige Überarbeitung und laufende Aktualisierung durch Ute Reusch

Comopute rcode time limit